Training materials
Welcome to the training materials created by the Crowd4SDG consortium! We would be delighted for you to use these materials for your own purpose, either as is or modified. Here you can also find detailed descriptions of each of the six tools in the Citizen Science Solution Kit (CSSK).
If you have any questions or are looking for opportunities to collaborate, don’t hesitate to contact us through the form on contact tab. Are you looking to organize a series of workshops or hackathon for motivated teams wanting to make a difference through the power of the crowd, or potentially a design process to follow on a university course on citizen science? Have a look at the handbook for how to organize a hackathon or workshop for citizen science teams with the goal of getting from idea to implementable solution. This handbook outlines the steps to take and different sessions, and provides tips for the organizers. It can be used merely as inspiration, or as a complete guide.

There are currently four CSSK tools supported by the Crowd4SDG partners. Below you can find an introduction to the tools used within Crowd4SDG and tutorials for each of the four tools. You can find more information on the technical demonstration of the tools here.
Francois Grey and Rosy Mondardini provide an overview of the tools available through the project.
This tutorial shows you how to use the SDG in Progress and Slack tools.
This tutorial shows you how to use the CS Project Builder and Logger tools, aimed for those participating on the #Open17GenderClimate Challenge.
This tutorial shows you how to use the Decidim 4CS tool.
This tutorial shows you how to use the VisualCit tool.